This photo is of my amazing husband Bill.
He was diagnosed with a stage IV glioblastoma on June 18, 2017 ,he had surgery on the 
19th and the tumor was resected .  This week we began chemo and radiation treatment as well as a clinic trial at the Huntsman Cancer Center in SLC , UT.

To say this whole thing is surreal is an understatement, my husband has ridden in Lotoja
(a 186 mile bike ride from Logan, UT to Jackson Hole ,WY)he is in amazing physical shape!
But he has brain cancer. How the hell did this happen?  Lots of crying and praying on my part.
I don't know what the future will be , I know I love this man, and I want the cancer gone and my husband back.

What I have learned so far, brain swelling sucks, it makes the thought process fuzzy.
Steroids and sleep work wonders ,and bring him almost back to a state of pre cancer .
Some days can be very scary, I wonder if it's just a bad day or will tomorrow be better.
Brain Cancer was not in plan.
